EURAMED and its members will represent the society throughout the 2024 European Radiation Protection Week. A list of relevant events follows, and we welcome participation from across the radiation protection community. View the full programme here.
Tuesday, November 12, 14:00–18:10, Sessions 2A/2B, Auditorium
Two sessions of presentations on Radiation Protection in Medical Applications and a poster session will highlight the cutting edge of research in this field. Speakers include EURAMED members John Damilakis (University of Crete) and Isabelle Thierry-Chef (ISGlobal) in session 2B. Congratulations to all speakers!
Wednesday, November 13, 11:30–12:26, Session 5A, Auditorium
The final portion of the session on Radiation Protection in Medical Applications will take place. Speakers include EURAMED member Hugo de las Heras Gala (BfS). Congratulations to these chosen speakers also! A poster session follows from 12:25–13:00.
Wednesday, November 13, 16:50–18:30, Session 7B, Auditorium
The session PIANOFORTE – Building a Collaborative Future for RP: Integrating Community Efforts and Open Call Successes will present the achievements and outlook of the European Partnership for Radiation Protection Research as well as introduce some projects selected for funding under its 1st open call.
Thursday, November 14, 09:30–11:00, Session 8, Auditorium
A round table on the situation in Ukraine as it pertains to radiation protection will include a presentation by EURAMED President Dr. François Paris.
Thursday, November 14, 11:30–13:00, Session 9, Auditorium
The session Beyond the Silo: Union Programmes and Priorities that Intersect with Radiation Protection Research and How to Put Synergies into Practice features several speakers who will describe European Commission efforts in advancing radiation protection across many fields. Includes a panel discussion.
Thursday, November 14, 16:00–16:25, award session, Auditorium
EURAMED will grant the EURAMED award for outstanding research in medical radiation protection. The winner will give a brief presentation of the research. Two runners-up will receive certificates of appreciation for their work.
Thursday, November 14, 16:25–18:09, Session 11, Auditorium
EURAMED and EURADOS have collaborated to invite speakers on the topic of Revolutionizing Radiation Protection with AI to discuss the current state and foresee opportunities and challenges for this growing field.
AI in dosimetry | Filip Vanhavere |
AI-driven dosimetry: Personalizing patient radiation safety | John Damilakis |
AI-enhanced image reconstruction and image quality in medical imaging | Christoph Hoeschen |
Ethical and regulatory considerations for AI in medical applications | Hugo de las Heras Gala |
AI-driven framework for Internal dose assessment in radiological emergencies: integration of multiphysics, biokinetics, dose reconstruction, and in-vivo analysis | Shaheen Dewji |
Evaluating the robustness of ai-based models for patient dose optimization in medical imaging | Giorgia Stendardo |