Strategic Research Agenda

EURAMED Strategic Research Agenda

A group of representatives nominated by the medical associations dealing with ionising radiation has worked together to identify the most important topics in radiation protection research in medical applications. This has been used to form a common strategic research agenda in this field, which has been approved by the boards of EANMEFOMPEFRSESR, and ESTRO.

We are happy to present this strategic research agenda with this document. The agenda can be seen as a living document, so comments and suggestions by all stakeholders and facilitators of medical radiation protection are most welcome and will be dealt with by the European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research platform (EURAMED) established by the above-mentioned associations under the umbrella of the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR). Updates will be published from time to time.

You can access the strategic research agenda by clicking here.

If you have comments or questions, please write to office(at) or christoph.hoeschen(at) directly.