We welcome a new individual member of EURAMED, Dr. Vera Cruz e Silva!
Dr. Cruz e Silva is since 2020 a neuroradiologist at the Medical Image Analysis Center (MIAC AG) in Basel, Switzerland and a diagnostic neuroradiologist at Affidea Portugal. She leads image analysis in clinical trials for multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis spectrum disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, progressive supranuclear paralysis and vascular brain disease, with a focus on translating research and development outputs and AI-based software for image analysis, incorporating new methods, and training. She is also a board member-at-large, among other roles, in the European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII) and has represented the society at a EURAMED Rocc’n’Roll event.
We look forward to successful cooperation with Dr. Cruz e Silva in medical radiation protection research!