Welcome to our new full member STUK



We are very happy to welcome STUK as a new full member of EURAMED as of mid-March 2021.

The mission of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland (STUK) is to protect people, society, the environment and future generations from the harmful effects of radiation. The goal is to keep the radiation exposure of the Finnish population as low as reasonably achievable and the level of radiation safety as high as possible, while preventing radiation and nuclear accidents. Among other things, STUK regulates the use of radiation in health care, industry, research and training.

STUK is the national standard laboratory for ionising radiation. Research, training and communication supporting the mission are part of the mandate of STUK. STUK is also an active member of other European RP research platforms: MELODI, EURADOS, ALLIANCE, NERIS and SHARE.

STUK coordinates the national consortium for radiation safety research (Cores) that has nine universities and research centres as members. Medical use of radiation is one of the main research areas. Currently, Cores is preparing a roadmap for research addressing safe medical use of radiation. The EURAMED SRA is consulted during the process. The roadmap will address the following questions: radiotherapy (RT) and dose planning, personalised medicine, diagnostic use of radiation, nuclear medicine and radioisotope production, and theranostics. The research plan will be developed in close cooperation with the radiotherapy and radiology units of university hospitals.

We look forward to a fruitful collaboration!