Welcome our new member, the Institute of Radiation Protection!


We are very happy to welcome the Institute of Radiation Protection, Ltd. (Ústav radiačnej ochrany, s.r.o.) as a new corporate member of EURAMED as of the end of March 2023.

The Institute of Radiation Protection is a small and medium enterprise of approximately 20 employees based in Trenčín, Slovakia. It is the principal organization authorised by the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic responsible for national radiation protection, with rich history dating back to its foundation in 1991. It provides a wide range of services including but not limited to:

    • Acceptance and constancy tests of sources of ionizing radiation in medical facilities
    • Quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA) of medical procedures in radiology and radiotherapy, including planning systems and end-to-end testing
    • Collection of dose data from CT examinations in all hospitals in Slovakia
    • Reduction of radiation exposure of patients and staff from ionizing radiation
    • Organisation of training courses in the field of radiation protection

Furthermore, the Institute is directly responsible for application and dissemination of acquired knowledge among experts working in related fields and ensuring that cutting-edge technologies and methods are being adopted in quality control of radiology and radiotherapy equipment in medical facilities across Slovakia.

The Institute contributes to a wide range of original research activities and hosts a laboratory of radiobiology in which chromosomal aberrations in irradiated blood samples are studied for the purpose of evaluation of risk and damage to patients and workers after protracted exposures to low doses of ionising radiation. As a developer and host of the DQC Monitor global database of radiodiagnostic and radiotherapeutic procedures of all patients in Slovakia, the company has access to a large data sample suitable for evidence-based research in the field of optimisation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The company actively participates in national, European and international conferences where the safe application of ionising radiation is in the spotlight (e.g., ECR, ECMP, AAPM, ERPW) and hopes to bring the same to EURAMED and its activities.
We look forward to fruitful collaboration!