Type of action: CSA Coordination and support action
Deadline Model : single-stage
Planned opening date: 15 May 2019
Deadline: 25 September 2019 17:00:00 Brussels time
Specific Challenge:
One of the main concerns in nuclear sector is a loss of the younger generation’s interest for specialized nuclear knowledge and a risk that the current workforce, progressively retiring, couldn’t be replaced. Highly educated personnel with very specific knowledge, skills and competences will be still required regardless of the development of nuclear power sector in the EU, as either new builds, development of innovative and advanced reactors, long-term operations, shut-down, decommissioning, waste management and radiation protection all necessitate qualified staff. This is also the case of other industrial and medical applications making use of ionising radiation. If the EU is to keep its global position and wants to stay in the forefront of mastering the nuclear technology, then a new generation of the qualified researchers and workforce needs to be secured.
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