Learn about our projects! EURAMED webinar, Feb. 15, 17:00

The EURAMED Communications Committee proudly announces the EURAMED Winter Webinar. This 1.5 hour event is open to all with interest in medical radiation protection research and is intended to present each of the ongoing projects involving EURAMED as a partner or coming from the EURAMED community. Partners from each project will describe the objectives, tasks and early results, demonstrating the cutting edge in medical radiation protection research, and how stakeholders can get involved and benefit. Q&A will follow for audience participation.

The webinar has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 15, starting at 17:00 CET. A schedule of presentations and the login details can be found below.

17:00 EURAMED introduction/membership (Erato Stylianou Markidou, Ruhi Onur & EURAMED President Boris Brkljačić)
17:10 EURAMED Rocc’n’Roll (Guy Frija, clincal coordinator)
17:25 SINFONIA (John Damilakis, scientific coordinator)
17:40 i-Violin (Hilde Bosmans, WP leader)
17:55 PIANOFORTE (Jean-Christophe Gariel, coordinator)
18:10 EURAMED Imaging/AI Working Group (John Damilakis, group leader)
18:20 Q&A
~18:35 Adjourn

Registration is required! Please use this link.

Upon registration, you will receive the login information to join the webinar.

Please contact the organiser for questions related to the webinar.

We look forward to hosting this event and aim for interest across Europe!