EURAMED will be well represented at the 2022 European Radiation Protection Week at the Estoril Congress Centre in Estoril, Portugal on October 9–14!
EURAMED members will chair 2 sessions of abstract presentations on medical applications of ionising radiation plus host a session of invited speakers on hot topics in clinical medicine using ionising radiation. In addition, the EURAMED Rocc’n’Roll project will host a workshop on its forthcoming Strategic Research Agenda and roadmap that will integrate radiation protection, health research and digitisation to advise the stakeholders of future research and better structure their approach to the EC. Both the Rocc’n’Roll and MEDIRAD projects will be part of the final plenary, showcasing MEDIRAD’s results and recommendations for medical low-dose radiation exposure and Rocc’n’Roll’s strategic planning for medical radiation protection.
At the end of the conference, EURAMED will grant an award for outstanding achievement in medical radiation protection research. EURAMED’s members will also gather for the annual EURAMED General Assembly in Estoril and online on October 11 to transact the society’s business and determine strategy for 2023.
For more information on EURAMED’s sessions, click here.
To view the complete conference scientific programme, click here or the QR code below.