Follow EURAMED at ERPW2023!

EURAMED and its members will represent the society throughout the 2023 European Radiation Protection Week. A list of relevant events follows, and we welcome participation from across the radiation protection community. View the full programme here.

Monday, October 9, 14:00–16:00, Beech and Birch Room, O’Reilly Hall
The recently completed EURAMED rocc-n-roll project will hold a workshop on its Strategic Research Agenda in the field of medical applications of ionising radiation and related radiation protection and Roadmap to provide guidance to European policymakers, funders, and the scientific and clinical communities regarding priority research, infrastructure development, and education and training actions. Participants must register at this link, and the programme is available here.

Monday, October 9, 16:30–18:00, Beech and Birch Room, O’Reilly Hall
EURAMED will host its 2023 General Meeting, during which the Executive Board and membership will transact annual business and preview its 2024 activities. The Executive Board will welcome a new president, president elect and treasurer as well as a new Scientific Committee chair.

Tuesday, October 10, Scientific Session 1A, 11:00–12:30
Authors will present 9 abstracts in the area of medical radiation protection.

Tuesday, October 10, 16:00–17:30
EURAMED hosts a plenary session “Advancing Medical Radiation Protection and Patient Care: The Latest on European Collaborative Efforts.” Each presentation will take 15 minutes with Q&A.
Moderators: François Paris, Guy Frija

Shaping the Future of Medical Applications of Ionising Radiation in Europe: The EURAMED rocc-n-roll Strategic Research Agenda Katrine Riklund and Christoph Hoeschen
Justification of CT examinations: Presentation of the EU-JUST-CT project Boris Brkljačić
Mitigating Radiation Exposure in Lymphoma and Brain Tumour Management: Insights from the SINFONIA Project John Damilakis
Transforming Oncological Imaging for Improved Patient Safety and Cancer Care: Results from the i-Violin Project Christoph Hoeschen
Enhancing Patient Safety in the Medical Use of Ionising Radiation through Learning from Incidents and Near Misses: An Overview of the MARLIN Project Colin Kelly

Wednesday, October 11, Scientific Session 4B, 10:30–12:30
Authors will present 9 abstracts in the area of medical radiation protection.

Wednesday, October 11, 17:00–17:30
EURAMED will grant its third EURAMED award for the most outstanding abstract in medical radiation protection submitted to ERPW and recognise two runners-up.