EC-ENER/LUX/2024/OP/0020: SAMIRA study

The European Commission announces a new call for tenders under the SAMIRA action plan. The SAMIRA Study on Criteria for Acceptability of Medical Radiological Equipment will review and revise publication Radiation Protection 162 (RP 162), which was published in 2012. The revised guidance will define essential parameters relevant to the assessment of the performance of radiological medical equipment and will set up up-to-date criteria for acceptability of this equipment, considering developments in technology, standards and requirements that occurred since the publication of RP 162. Equipment of interest includes those used for computed tomography (CT), cone-beam CT, advanced image acquisition and reconstruction, multidetector and dual-energy CT, digital breast tomosynthesis, hybrid imaging systems such as SPECT-CT and PET-CT, bedside and mobile radiological imaging equipment, stereotactic radiosurgery, stereotactic body radiation therapy, and proton radiotherapy. Special emphasis shall be put on equipment used for paediatric radiology since safety and performance standards may be different from those accepted for adults. Similarly, the revised guidance should deal, where practical, with the implications for equipment used in health screening, in high-dose interventional procedures, and other special issues noted in the Basic Safety Standards Directive.

Please note the deadline for application of 31 July 2024, and the study duration of 24 months.

Details on this call for tenders can be found on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.