What do you need from radiation protection research in the next years? What do you think is currently missing – in practice, application, jurisdiction and research?
All are kindly invited to address these questions in a survey of the European PIANOFORTE partnership (Horizon-EURATOM-2021-NRT-01-09). The survey aims to gather the opinions and an understanding of various issues in radiation protection and application of ionising radiation issues from a broad range of stakeholders across Europe, including radiation protection experts, regulators, researchers from various radiation protection fields, implementers, specific public groups and general public, and media workers.
Participation is entirely voluntary. The collected data will be anonymized, and the answers will be analysed together with those of other respondents. It is to be emphasized that PIANOFORTE will properly inform the respondents about the results of this survey. Please promote the survey to other persons that may be interested to take a part in survey, as it is of high importance to reach many different stakeholder groups. PIANOFORTE, as Europe’s current central radiation protection research funding instrument, will better meet actual needs if the stakeholder groups indicate what is the most important.
The survey is made available electronically on the SurveyMonkey platform through a link.
The response deadline for survey is January 31, 2023. If you have questions at any time about the survey, you may contact the coordinators via email.