Clinical DRLs for X-ray medical imaging published

The EUCLID project (European Study on Clinical Diagnostic Reference Levels for X-ray Medical Imaging) was a 33-month European Commission tender project, which was concluded with the acceptance of the final project report in October 2020.

The EUCLID project aimed at advancing the optimisation of radiation protection of patients in Europe. Thus, the project provided up-to-date clinical DRLs for the most important, from a radiation protection perspective, x-ray imaging tasks in Europe. The specific objectives of this project were to:

  • Conduct a European DRL survey for x-ray imaging of adults following the methodology as predefined by the project team;
  • Specify up-to-date clinical DRLs for the most important, from a radiation protection perspective, x-ray imaging tasks in Europe;
  • Organise a workshop to disseminate and discuss the results of this project with Member States and the relevant national, European and international stakeholders and to identify the need for further national and local actions on establishing, updating and using DRLs.

The results of the EUCLID project have recently been published by the European Commission in the Radiation Protection series No. 195.

Additionally, based on the work of the EUCLID project, the following articles have been published to date:

Paulo, G., Damilakis, J., Tsapaki, V. et al. Diagnostic Reference Levels based on clinical indications in computed tomography: a literature review. Insights Imaging 11, 96 (2020).

Tsapaki, V., Damilakis, J., Paulo, G. et al. CT diagnostic reference levels based on clinical indications: results of a large-scale European survey. Eur Radiol (2021).

Further publications are forthcoming.